The Sea of Monsters Overview
The kids business book
Why "Picture" America
Painting with a hammer
Picturing America and Silver in the Virtual Field Trip
Picturing america and Silver

These are some amazing silver wares'. Though they have different shapes they do have some things in common. The first thing they all have is that the are all silver wares. The sacond thing is that they all have handles that are unique. The third and not the last thing is that they are really amazing and they are made to be kept or used for people who buys them. Their are more they have in common, but I only listed some for you. They also have differences, too. One thing is that they are created by different silversmiths. Another thing is that they have different shapes and for sure they aren't all the same size. The last thing I can list down is that they are used in different ways. It probally took the silversmiths different amounts of time for them to make it, too.
"Sans Arc Lakota" Ledger book
Quilts: 19th-20th century

I like the one with the circle and the spikes that are coming out. I like it because it has my favorite color: blue and red. The designs also look cool, too. And if you look at it for a long time you can get hypnotized( that's only what happened to me... I don't know about you people.). that's why I like it.
My Side of the Mountain Ch. 22
Now thats a happy ending People...RIGHT?
Migrant mother

Benjamin Franklin

These are the three reasons why you can tell this person was from a long time ago.
1. The first thing is that not many people have that hairstyle anymore.
2. He is also wearing old fashioned clothes that has a lot of buttons.
3. The third thing is that his shoes are from the old times.
I also wonder....how long did it take the artist to build the sculpture?....If anyone knows comment me......ok.
My Side Of The Mountain Ch.21
On April twelfth at three-thirty Sam met Matt. Sam used Matt's handkerchief and tied it around Matt. Sam led Matt to his house and loosened the handkerchief. The second Matt saw it he screamed and shrieked with joy when he saw the tree house. Sam showed Matt around telling him about the inventions he made...everything Matt saw he shouted out with joy. While Sam was preparing dinner Matt told him about all the trouble around the world. The next week the spent there times fishing, hunting, trapping, and collecting plants that were edible.
Later that week they found Bando sleeping in the tree after a fishing trip. That night Bando and Sam played the reed whistles for Matt by the campfire. Matt and Bando also decided to build a guest tree for the people who were gonna visit. The rest of the week they spent their time building the guest tree. Soon after the they built the guest house Matt had to go back to school, but Bando stayed a while longer to help Sam build another guest tree. But Bando had to leave soon, but that didn't mean Sam was lonely he met Mr. Jacket while trying to fish out a colossal snapping turtle( it was just a huge one not a colossal turtle). Sam found out what Mr. Jacket real name was, it was Tom Sidler. Sam rafted to shore and invited Tom to help catch that big ol' snappin' turtle. About an hour later they caught it and cleaned it. Later that day Sam showed Tom where his house is and what it is. They made dinner and ate it all. That night Tom slept with Sam in the forest. Tom now came more often to Sam's house.... it was mostly the weekends that he came. After a long time Aaron came back and called Sam to come. He stayed a week mostly playing around with the willow whistle. Bando got a car and came more often since he has the car.
My Side Of The Mountain Ch.20
One day Frightful spotted another duck and flew up to the sky and Sam said " Frightful...you can't leave me now!". Then Sam quickly held out a piece of meat, hoped Frightful would come back to him. Frightful looked the hawk for a moment and then she folded her wings and dropped down fast and landed on Sam's fist. Right after that a young man about the same age as Sam said " I saw that...your the wild boy, aren't you?". Sam spun around and saw him shivering in the cold. He told Sam his name was Matt Spell. Matt stayed with Sam for a while and asked Sam if he knew anything about the wild boy. Sam paused for a while and then said " Yeah I've seen him around here. Then Sam spent the rest of the time telling Matt about how the wild boy looks like and how he survives in the wilderness. After Sam told Matt about the wild boy they made a deal...the deal was that Matt wanted to spend his spring vacation with Sam then he won't print anything, he's just going to write the stuff down. That night Sam imagined Matt, Bando, and Dad. He was wording the article for Matt. When he went back to his tree he saw his old friend, Jessie Coon James the raccoon. Sam never saw him for months. He was laying on the bed. Soon he left and disappeared into the forest.
My Side Of The Mountain Ch.15
My Side Of The Mountain: Ch.14
My Side Of The Mountain: Ch.13
After he managed to find enough winter food he went down to the bank where Bando go the clay and dragged a whole lot of clay. He brought the clay to his house and he was planning to make a fire place. He made one but the fire took up all the oxygen in the tree and Frightful got sick. She was toppling a lot, she jerked her head out of her feathers, and her eye's looked glassy. So Sam took her out of the tree and out to the forest. Sam thought for a while then said "Air!.... the fire place used up all the oxygen. I've got to ventilate this place.".......That's about all that happened in the chapter.